Burglary Insurance

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Best Burglary Insurance Policy in Kenya

Burglary insurance is an important policy to protect your home, property, and assets against the losses and damages that can be caused due by a potential burglary. Consider a situation where all your years of hard work and money were lost rapidly taking away your peace of mind. To deal with those unforeseen burglary situations, good burglary insurance is much recommended. Avivo Insurance offers the best-customized burglary and housebreaking policy features over all types of insured property such as house, property, stock in trade, furniture, fixture, money in lockers, etc.

Key benefits of having Avivo Insurance burglary insurance

  • Full coverage for burglary and housebreaking at your business premises
  • Burglary policy can be extended to cover riot, strike, malicious damage, and theft.
  • Other variations such as floater policy, declaration policy, and floater declaration policy are available.​
  • Coverage for property from any damage due to fire, flood, storms, earthquake and aircraft explosion
  • We offer the best possible affordable burglary insurance
  • Special plan for renters

Types of Burglary Insurance Avivo Insurance Offer

Being the best burglary insurance company in Kenya, we offer complete coverage for properties from theft, burglary, natural calamities and fire. The major burglary insurances we offer are:

Burglary Insurance for your Home

It is common that residential buildings and independent houses are more prone to thefts and burglaries. Thus it is mandatory to have burglary insurance for your house and we offer affordable burglary insurance policies that suit your specific requirements.

Burglary Insurance for your Businesses, enterprises and Shops

To avoid the risk of burglary in your office or shops, it is important to take burglary insurance policies for your businesses also. It saves your assets and protects you from sudden financial crippling.

Who needs Burglary Insurance?

  • Residential buildings and houses
  • Renters
  • Small Enterprises
  • Large Enterprises
  • Medium Business Owners

Key factors to be considered when filing a burglary insurance claim

  • Take accurate note of all losses due to a burglary at your premise
  • Use digital record and documents while making a claim as it reduces the possibility of tampering with the evidence
  • Keep all the receipts of every expense and contract documents

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